凌晨被遠x經銷商吵醒 他連續打電話

我很害怕的接了 我怕這種深夜電話!!

一聽是手機經銷商 我就生氣的掛了

現在是凌晨四點耶 !!!!

我現在清醒了 我突然有一點點的愧疚

人家又不知道你這邊幾點 又不是阿亮的電影

睡不著 收到這一封教授的信 開心到翻掉




我拿老子道德經 跟金庸的作品做intertexuality

我還記得那時候邊寫邊回頭跟學長討論 哈哈

寫到第n頁的時候 就覺得糟糕 又是一篇無法收尾的paper

可是 我真的寫的好開心


中藥苦 我自己賣了一點了

今天笑 oh yeah~ 世界跟我笑

Dear Mei,

The status of Tao Te Jing as a classic text in Chinese culture,

implies that there is web of textual relationships around the book,

with numerous references in and connections to other works of

literature and more broadly, Chinese culture, philosophy and

even politics up to the present day,

more specifically the work of Jin Yong.

Your essay pints that out very clearly.

By tracing the concept of intertextuality back to

Kristeva and considering the implications of it,

your essay becomes an insightful and intelligent piece.

I marked your essay with an 8.

Apologies for the delay.

Best Regards, Paul Rutten (瀟灑教授!!)


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